This. Thankful.

Simple things.  Jenga.  Swiss Family Robinson.  Chili.  Snuggles. 

Thanksgiving is here and we have so much to be grateful for.  Mostly the simple rhythms of family life. 

Auggies favorite things.  "Por-tu-pine book."  Along with any word ending in a throat sounded K. 

Jackson recently said, "Heaven isn't a far off place...the kingdom is here among us."

Asher saying, "Whats the most important part of the body?"  I don't know Ash, what do you think.  "Well the mouth because it's where we can eat, where we drink, where we can talk to Jesus..." 

Addie Rose's giggles.  Oh how I could bottle it up.

Date night with hubs.  Towny restaurant that reminds me of home.

Lord let our Advent season welcome you with expectant hope and awe-struck wonder. 
