Asher 10 Months

I don't even have a picture.  I'm a little behind to say the least.  Business has overtaken my ability to take pics of my own kids-that's gotta stop!  :)  But two days ago my little man turned 10 months old.  Where has the time gone…He's up to a lot…Here goes:

  • Standing, solo, for almost 10 seconds or so at a time.
  • Walking/cruising around furniture…
  • Which leads to at least one bruise on the forehead weekly (sometimes more)
  • Laughing, clapping, dancing.  :)
  • Eating.  (Every ten minutes as someone pointed out today).  Literally anything we can cut up small enough he eats.  Cheese, eggs (yep tried these), crackers, pizza, cereal, toast, etc. etc. etc. 
  • Sleeps almost through the night (usually only gets up once to drink a bottle)
  • Loves to be around people.  
  • Loves balls and is starting to like cars.
  • Happy disposition unless he is tired-and then he is done.
  • Goes to bed at 6:00/6:30pm on the dot, if not he turns into a pumpkin.  
  • Says momma and sometimes dada.
  • Loves his siblings.  
  • Loves to snuggle into blankets or a pillow when he is tired.  
