Six Months
Our little man turned six months old today. Wow. Half a year has passed since we birthday this chunky little man. And he has come a long way since those first few months of colic. He is a happy little guy and brings us such joy.
- At his six month appt he was 20 lbs and 24 inches long.
- Starting crying it out to go to sleep this week. Day three and it took him about two minutes of fussing. Phew. Now if we can just work on him sleeping through the night.
- Eating lots of food. Rice cereal, bananas, sweet potatoes, peas.
- Up and rocking on all four legs. This kid wants to move. And he is SO close.
- LOVES LOVES LOVES his sister and brother. Shakes with excitement whenever they come near.
- Loves the bath, it instantly makes him happy.
His siblings have been enjoying an active summer. They spent about twelve days back home with my family while we managed to shoot a few weddings. Jackson has enjoyed golf camp, both him and Addie Rose did swimming lessons and this week wrapped up Vacation Bible School at St. Paul's. It's been a somewhat busier than normal summer but overall it's been awesome. I feel like whenever I'm inside I can look up out the back windows and see Jackson or Addie Rose, out back, barefoot and exploring. This is a dream to me. :)
Couple of stories to remember. We were driving about dusk one night and we saw a raccoon cross the road. I pointed it out to Jackson. About five minutes little, in a moment of revelation, he says, "Mom! That was my first raccoon!" This boy is excited about EVERYTHING!
Addie is talking more and more...and is more descriptive too. It's amazing the conversations that happen with her. She loved singing with the bible songs this week...and is still a very touch oriented emotionally charged little girl. Her and I recently had an endearing moment while laying in bed to fall asleep....
She looked at me and said, "Mom-I love you." To which I said, "Awe, Addie I love you." Then we started to name things we like.
Addie- "I love daddy."
Me- "I love Jackson."
Addie - "I love Asher."
Me - "I love my family."
Addie "I love doughnuts."
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