Jackson Daniel started kindergarden last week! How is this possible? The amazing and wonderful part of all of it that yes-it's bittersweet that our little guy is growing up but he was SO ready it made the transition easy. We've gotten into a good habit of getting up early, having a little morning routine including breakfast, a devotional, packing lunch/etc. It's been an incredible opportunity to have a little more one on one time with Addie Rose and Asher.
I didn't tear up when J got in his uniform, or when we walked him in to drop him off...or even when I drove away. Here is when the tears came...
A little boy in Jackson's class has been having a hard time with the transition and was upset for the first couple of days. His mom and I were chatting so after day 1 Jackson and I had a conversation about being aware of kids who might be sad or upset. He went to school charged with task of taking extra care of this little boy and helping him not to be sad. Tuesday afternoon he got in the car and said with great enthusiasm, "Mom! Emmett was happy all day! I played with him at recess and he never got sad." Thats when the tears came. I didn't let him see tho. :) But I just turned forward and drove out of the parking lot...drying the tears from my eyes. It was the fact that he's becoming a sensitive little guy who cares about others. That makes my heart swell...nothing more I want for this kid.
Overall he's loving it. His first day home he came to the parking lot and said, "I LOVED it mom!" What a relief.
Addie Rose started preschool on Thursday. She is in heaven. It was hard for her to wait to start after Jackson...we were counting down sleeps. But the day came and she was ready. She held my hand all the way in...and let go easily. :) No tears and total excitement. She'll be going two days a week on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
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