Asher Alan: The story of a name...and his birth.

Four years ago Michael and were blessed enough to be given the gift of a marriage retreat from Young Life.  As an effort to encourage healthy marriages they began a program through our benefits in which they would offer an all expense marriage retreat for couples who have one spouse in full-time ministry with Young Life.  (I know-awesome ministry right?)  So with Jackson being about 9 months old we knew we knew it would be an excellent time for an opportunity like that and to give our marriage some much needed TLC.

On the plane to Colorado, Michael was praying through Scripture and having some quiet.  He came upon the name 'Asher' in the Old Testament and he commented on it.  We started talking about how much we liked the name...particularly the shortened version 'Ash' with Havercamp...studly :) and we hadn't heard of it before so we liked that it was pretty unique.  We sort of chalked it up as a good option if we had another boy in the future and left it at that.

The first meal we had on the retreat drew us to a table with a woman who was sitting by herself.  We struck up conversation with her and got to know each other a little bit.  Very quickly we heard that she was from California and had two kiddos, a little girl and a younger son guessed it, 'Asher'.  We were definitely surprised.  Not only had we never met anyone who had the name but we heard so quickly after coming upon it.  We felt like it might be a little nudge from God.  :)

And then, at the end of a great three days we gathered in groups to pray with other couples.  We really didn't run into that woman again throughout the weekend until this moment.  She was sitting close to us so she was part of the group we were in which gathered to pray over each other.  When it was our turn as a couple to step into the center of the circle and be prayed over (what a cool experience) I heard these words over the voices of 15 or so people praying.... "And God I pray for the future Asher in their life...bless him and bless them as they raise him..."

There you have it.  Over four years ago we knew we would have this little boy.  We knew he would be a part of our future...and we are so blessed to experience him in the flesh.  Asher (meaning "happy" or "blessed") is one of the twelve tribes of Israel and is referenced in the beginning of the Old favorite passage is from Deuteronomy 33:24 “Most blessed of sons is Asher; let him be favored by his brothers, and let him bathe his feet in oil."

And so he is here...and here is a little account of how he came.  :)

I was due on Thursday Jan. 23.  Michael has since told me that he saw my spirit drain from my eyes about the beginning of Jan...this pregnancy seemed to take the most out of me.  (And now we know why)... :)  I thought I would go early...because we knew it was a boy...but no luck.  So by the time the due date came around I was pretty much spent.  I went to the midwife on Wed Jan 22nd and she checked me and literally said, "Why have you not gone into labor yet?"  Ha!  YOU TELL ME!  Lol.  But alas...we endured.

My mom was pretty anxious too so she came up on Wednesday and hung out to be there when we had to go to the hospital.  In these final weeks I got a massage, pedicure, walked the mall, ate spicy name it.  All to no avail...this is one laid back kiddo.  

On Friday Jan 24th we had a night in.  We laid low-watched a movie and hung out.  I went to bed feeling no different but occasionally throughout the night I woke up wondering if that was a contraction.  By 5:30am I was convinced that this was the start of something so I got up and took a shower...but nothing happened so I went back to bed until 6:30am.  At this point I rolled over and told Michael it would probably be wise for him to get his bag packed.  I called the mid-wife...still uncertain if I should head it to which she left it up to me.  I finally decided I should.  By 7:00am we were on our way to the hospital.  We checked into triage and I was progressing quickly.  I made it up to the delivery room by 7:45am or so and the midwife broke my water.  At that point it happened pretty quickly (although at the time it didn't feel quick!).  Asher was born at 8:47am weighing a whopping 10 lbs 1 oz and he was 20.5 inches long.  (Head size: 37.5 cm and chest 40 cm which the nurse commented was the largest chest she'd ever measured).  Maybe this little man is going to look like his Uncle Cass when he is fully grown-WHO KNOWS!  But at least we know why mommy was so uncomfortable those last few weeks.  :)

And we are as a family of five...Addie Rose spent the last week 'adjusting' with Grandma and Grandpa Weitl and Aunt Kenzie/Uncle Luke.  It was so nice to have some peaceful moments with our two little men...and we welcomed her home last night.  Good to have her back-definitely changes the dynamic.  There are lots of crazy moments in this household these days...but we are SO SO blessed. Michael and I have had many moments of humility these last days...just recognizing what a gift these beautiful children are.  Praise God.  



  1. Love the story behind the name! Sweet photos of the fam... Tash, you look 17 in the pic of the whole family at the hospital. Michael is all relaxed in the middle as if HE had Asher, and you look very vibrant and well-rested. ;)
    Looking forward to meeting the little man. Lauren keeps asking when she's going to get to play with Jackson again.

  2. Love your post. The story, the name, the pics, your writing. enjoy those kiddos. :) little Asher is SOOO cute!!!


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