Jackson Daniel: 5 Years Old

Where has the time gone?  Don't we always ask that question?  5 years ago.  5 years ago right now actually, we came home from an intense game of Euchre with the Jacksons and my water broke.  I stayed up all night (Michael got some sleep) and thought about this impending birth, this child we had no clue about.  And little did I know what joy and happiness would follow the next day in the afternoon.

Jackson will get a letter from us describing him and his year in his scrapbook box.  But for today I'd love to share the things this little man has been teaching me lately...well all his life to be exact.

  • You teach me how to love life.  Seriously never seen anyone more excited for monster trucks, or cars, or golf.  It doesn't matter...if its something you love or are excited about your entire body shakes with enthusiasm, you stop in your tracks and your world is flipped upside down.  It's simply contagious.  
  • You are completely persistent.  You have been since the day you were born.  You teach me that if I put my mind to something that I want-I may end up with it.  :)
  • Lately you have been reminding me to buckle up...or stop at lights.  Your teaching me to slow down a little bit...and I love that.
  • You pray randomly.  Today it was on a walk on the bike trail that you saw a memorial brick for someone who had died.  You pointed it out and said, "Mom and dad can we pray for this person..."  And you did-right there on the spot.  Amazing.  That humbles me...every time.
  • You teach me how to be curious and have wonder.  You ask questions I don't even think about asking...and it slows me down...to think about how to explain something...or to figure it out.  I move much to fast in life-and you force me to think about things deliberately.
  • You are not afraid.  You teach me to not worry so much.  Whether it be running on a dock or skiing in the Ozarks-you aren't afraid of new adventure and life.  
  • You hug the baby numerous times a week unsolicited...and remind me to be appreciative at random moments of this beautiful life growing inside me.
  • You are kind.  You say hello to every person you see...and in turn remind me to look and smile at the folks that I walk by.
  • You are sensitive.  You get upset when you have broken a rule or have upset someone else...and it reminds me to be more empathetic...
  • You love to be outside...and in that remind me what a blessing it is to have mother nature and the gift of the outdoors.   
  • You live for laughter..and the freedom of your laughter sometimes stops me in my tracks...reminding what can happen when we are free to just let our soul come outside our body in joy...
  • You love your daddy.  You love spending time with him and just being in his presence...and when I see you doing this I'm reminded of why I fell in love with him and married him.  
There are so many more things I could say Jackson Daniel.  But it is humbling for a parent to learn so much from their child.  I've LOVED watching you grow into the little man that you are.  I can't believe you are 5 years old.  This was one of your daddy's favorite years of his life-I pray it is the same for you too!  We love you so much and wish you a very very happy birthday.  
