Adelyn Rose: 2 Years Old

It's so crazy to have your two kiddos birthdays be a day apart.  Literally.  I felt somewhat guilty today because Addie didn't understand that she couldn't open her gifts today when Jackson could.  Poor thing.  But we will be celebrating her tomorrow... :)

And in the same spirit of what I have learned from Jackson I figured I would do the same with Miss Addie Rose.  We are so thankful for you my child...for your spirit and for the love you have shown us we could have.  Little did I know I could love to the same capacity after Jackson but you have proved that...and my heart for you grows larger and larger every day.

  • You have taught me to stop.  Its when I walk in the door at Grandma's house to pick you up and all you want is to wrap your little arms around my neck and hug me.  I won't move until your done.  Sometimes its 20 seconds but some days its minutes...and I've experienced a piece of heaven on earth.
  • You've taught me patience.   This past year with you has been touch and go-and I've had my moments of frustration...but you've taught me that I can love through difficulty and even in moments of irritation I can look into your eyes and melt.  
  • You have proven to me that I can hear the word "mom" 60 times in a row (no joke-in the car) and not have a complete breakdown.
  • You have shown me what loyalty is.  You are so loyal to that teddy of yours.  No replacement will do.  It is the only one that matters...and it goes wherever I will let you take it.  :)
  • You make me laugh.  You raise your hands and ask in this sweetly raspy voice, "'ere's daddy?' and I just laugh inside...
  • You have taught me the love language of touch.  You love to cuddle and when your in the mood you love hugs and kisses.
  • You have taught me how much I love having a daughter and how much I care about your future. 
  • You teach me to lead you...when we are walking and your entire hand wraps about my finger.  I'm lost in directing you to someplace.  It's a reminder of my role in your life...but also reminds me that I can only do so much....God is up to the rest.
  • You've taught me to pray.  Something about having a daughter brought a ferventness in prayer for my kids.  I'm now in the habit of praying for you both every night (well technically for all 3 of you) and especially for your spouses.  I have an ache for you to be married someday to a man like your father and I figure the best hope I have is constant prayer.  
Oh Addie Rose-happy 2nd birthday.  And many many thanks for teaching me so much.  I'm so impressed at how much you have grown this year and what a delightful little girl you have become.  Love you so much!
