Summer is winding down...
It’s been way too long and a little too busy…but here we
go. As good as an update as I can manage
right now!
I’m finally coming out of the first trimester and into a
somewhat more comfortable phase of pregnancy.
You would have to ask Michael if I’m getting any happier-I definitely
have my moments. All in all-my
pregnancies are pretty good-but just tend to wear me out. And in the midst of all that I’m in a busy
season for photography and I’ve started a new job at the parish we are
attending. I’m realizing more and more
my calling to ministry and my passion for photography as a hobby (not so much a
40 hour a week thing). It’s been really
fun to do weddings with Michael and to be working together at the parish level. He continues to have great success (thanks to
the Holy Spirit and Michael's giftedness) in his post for Young Life.
We can’t believe how much God has been at the center of this position
and these transitions in our life…
We have had quite a few travels this summer. Started the summer off with a trip out East (just
Michael and I). Made an adult trip to the Ozarks, a family trip to the Ozarks with my family-the kids had a blast, a couple of wedding trips to Carroll, a wedding trip to Wisconsin...seems like we have been gone almost every weekend. This past weekend was our first weekend home in a LONG time and I finally feel like I got my head on straight!
Jackson is the same kiddo he always has been although I
swear he keeps getting cuter and cuter. One of my favorite stories as of late was when Grandma Joan was babysitting and they were eating dinner. Jackson wasn't trying his green beans and Joan reminded him to take a polite bite. He was fighting her on it and she said, "Just wash it down with some milk." She looked over to see him pouring his glass of milk on his green beans...and lost it. Love how literally they take things sometimes...
- He started Pre-K this week...he was most concerned with his new shoes than with anything else. He has been waiting a full week to be able to wear them and when the first day of school came he discovered that he wasn't as fast as Timmy...he attributed it to his shoes-and we reminded him he needed to practice.
- He has totally been into golf lately. Every night he asks Michael to go out back and golf with him...and being the awesome dad he is Michael does it. Tonight Jackson said, "Dad I want to do some serious golf outside..." :)
- He took swim lessons for two weeks this summer and totally loved it. At the Ozarks he learned to ski...this kid was a fish and he would swim all day if we had let him...also jumped off a one story platform with no hesitation...stud. And he made friends with the neighbors across the cove...anytime they would boat by they would yell for Jackson. Mr. Extrovert.
- Is a really good big brother...lots of patience for his sis. He tries and tries with her and sometimes she doesn't give him much room...but he still keeps loving on her.
- Has the best spontaneous laugh I have's the sweetest sound. To me it represents total freedom.
- Is still really into his 'trick' bike and scooter although the requests for the skate park have lessoned and been replaced with golf. However-he still loves to ride his bike and has mastered up to 10 miles with us over the summer on one trip!
- Went to Children's Liturgy of the Word at my parents parish a few weeks back. Came back out with a worksheet describing the Gospel about the farmer who stored up his treasures and was greedy. Jackson explained it this way, "There was a farmer who had a lot of stuff and he was greedy and wanted to keep it. God said no." :)
- Walked up to me a week or two ago and said, "Wow mom your belly is getting big!" I told him it will grow and grow...he said, "Can I talk to it?" And I said of course-so he leaned his head to my belly and whispered to the baby-so cute.
Addie Rose:
- · Talking so much more…favorite phrases include “How are you” “Love You”
- LOVES her teddy and paci. Refuses to use the replacement teddy which is the exact same as he other one. Chucked it across the room when I tried to give it to her…
- · Eats all day long. Seriously she is motivated by food. Snacks about every hour on the hour. And will wake up asking for food…
- · Is just starting to get a little more into stereotypical girl things…like putting on and off clothing or shoes, walking around in fake heels, playing with a doll.
- · She LOVES to color…WAY different than Jackson. Even to this day he isn’t that into coloring and she is all about it.
- · Loves to snuggle or gives hugs. Gets SUPER excited when shes daddy. Screams his name, runs and hugs him…and then just nuzzles in. So sweet. Or when I pick her up at grandma's she'll say "Where's daddy?" and hold out her arms in question...
- Is really increasing her vocabulary day by day. We are amazed at how many words she picks up. She tends to repeat us a lot though which is endearing. "How are you?" "How are you?" etc. etc.
- Still has a somewhat demanding and strong personality (this girl is a screamer) but her temperament is softening and her heart is turning a bit. Although I know this little one is going to go places in the one will stop her from getting what she wants...but I also see this really sweet, soft side of her emerging. :)
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First day of school |
Going back to work and being with the kids less I think makes me appreciate them so much more and do a better job of just being with them. They are growing too fast...I can't believe I'm in my 17th week of just floors me. Each day brings different challenge and exhaustion...but also incredible grace and blessing. We laugh daily because of these two...we love more because of them...and my heart is so full because we get to experience their growth. So so thankful...
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