I've been trying to be a bit better at seeking quiet with the Lord during this Lenten journey. It is somewhat shameful that I wait until Lent to take a deeper look at where my heart is at. Lately, especially being a stay-at-home-mom, I find myself ADDICTED to social media. It's my outlet, it's my connection to the world as I'm home with two children all day, especially as an extreme extrovert.
But it's unhealthy.
Just naming it feels freeing. I know that I am not alone. I know we all allow something to get in the way of the quiet time we desperately need with God. Or of recognizing God throughout the day. It's amazing what a small effort it takes.
I've made one rule. It's that I will not check any email or social media until I've had my moments with the Lord. It's day five of Lent and I've already failed but I'm trying. And I'll keep going. And truth be told, after I've had my quiet moments, I'm less drawn to that other stuff.
Well today my words of meditation were really good,
But it's unhealthy.
Just naming it feels freeing. I know that I am not alone. I know we all allow something to get in the way of the quiet time we desperately need with God. Or of recognizing God throughout the day. It's amazing what a small effort it takes.
I've made one rule. It's that I will not check any email or social media until I've had my moments with the Lord. It's day five of Lent and I've already failed but I'm trying. And I'll keep going. And truth be told, after I've had my quiet moments, I'm less drawn to that other stuff.
Well today my words of meditation were really good,
"We are at the beginning of our Lenten journey. Instead of wondering how Jesus will come to you this Lent, why not go out and meet him? You’ll find him in the eyes of your children. You’ll find him in the touch of your spouse. You’ll find him in the home of a lonely neighbor and in the face of the homeless man downtown. Go and meet him there, and you’ll find it much easier to discover him in the tabernacle at church and in the words you read in Scripture.
“Lord, I don’t want to be so busy looking for you that I fail to see you right before my eyes. Teach me how to find you. Jesus, draw me close to your heart!”
I had a moment of recognizing God this weekend. I was home with my parents and drawn into a tv show with my mother. Downton Abbey-a new addiction. :) And a somewhat healthy one compared to most. We were nearing the end of an episode and a pivotal point of the show, I was anxious to see what my mom thought. And I was enjoying the time spent with her. At the moment I heard my son come up the stairs, obviously still awake, obviously WAY later than he needed to be. I dragged my behind off the couch and brought him back to bed. And I laid with him. I resisted the urge to get up and go back to the show...honestly. And in about four minutes he was alseep. I did nothing but just be with him.
He curled up in my arms and rested his head there. And he said this, "I really like it when you lay with me mom." It was simple, it was totally unsolicited...but it was like a voice from heaven. And I imagine THAT is how God feels when we choose to sit with him for no other reason that to just enjoy his presence.
I'm so thankful that I'm seeing God more clearly these days because of setting the distractions aside. :)
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