
I dread reflecting on this but I have to.  This blog isn't as much for others as it is for my kiddos.  Someday when they are older I pray they may read this with joy and interest at how the life of our family operated on a daily basis.

A part of me doesn't want to take the time to really reflect on what transpired this past week...but there is another part of me that recognizes that simply writing about it could be beneficial to my soul.

Last Friday, 28 people were tragically and innocently killed at a school.  There is no need to get in to details of how but the result and impact of this massacre has impacted the masses.  A week before the celebration of Christ's coming, thousands perhaps millions of people have banded together in prayer and unity...praying for the souls of all those lost, praying for the families who suffer at their sudden and no doubt intense pain and praying (I'm certain) that nothing like that ever would cross paths with their own children.

And we all are aching...aching to understand how a monstrosity such as this could happen, why it could happen.  How could innocent lives could be ripped away so violently?  There is no reasonable explanation.

I've vascilated on my feelings on the situation.  At first I read and reacted...cried and sobbed for these poor souls lost to the world way to quickly...but that was painful.  If I thought about it I cried...and it just hurt so much.  Then I shut the door to reading about it or thinking about it and went on my way.  It would creep in and be there...but not as strongly...

In the past couple of days I've shifted back to thinking about these people and children.  It's sparked tears and sadness...but I think it's better this way.  I don't expect to go about my life depressed at the reality of what happened forever...heck if that were the case I would never live a happy life.  Especially if I took a look at global suffering and all that is happening on a daily basis to innocent's just that this hit so close to home and thus made it that much for real for people...

But I do think there is value in crying tears for the injustice or carrying sadness for the lives lost.  After all, we are a united body.  Christ called us to live in unity with one another...and if that unity means that I have moments of sadness for situations that are inhumane...I think that is a good thing.

My hope, my fervent desire, in all of this is that I'll walk more in solidarity with others who suffer and become more outraged by these events that happen daily.

I have no words of wisdom for you my kiddos.  I have no explanation for why God would allow such things...and I know you will ask those questions in your lifetime...perhaps numerous times.  In fact, I don't believe I'm done asking that question...

BUT I do know this.  That the result of this tragedy is an increased appreciation for you.  For the beautiful gifts that we received.  Literally-free gift- of Jackson and Addie Rose.  Why do I so easily take them for granted or get frustrated with them when I know my world would come crashing down without them...

There is no justification for what happened in that school.  No rational.  But there are two truths that I've realized through it.  1) God knows our pain.  Even if we don't believe that.  He's crying tears at the evil in this world too.  He does that daily.  and 2) I love our children.  I love our family...and I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity to be their parent.
