Wow does time fly. I totally went this whole day without realizing this little miss was celebrating 15 hit me yesterday. So much about this little girl that I just love...
Here is what Addie Rose has been up to lately:
- Grunts and mumbles a lot. Not a lot of clear words but by golly she is telling you something. Clear words include uh-uh (teddy), momma and nigh nigh.
- Loves to eat. Walks over to her chair when she is ready to eat and wants to be lifted into her high chair.
- Walks bow legged. So stinkin' cute. Get her all dressed up in her best and she walks like a cowboy. Totally endearing.
- Loves Jackson.
- Loves to give hugs. Some days she will just walk and forth between Michael and I for hugs.
- Picks up a book and backs into your lap. Hint hint.
- She saw Santa on Sunday and was not too much of a fan.
- LOVES LOVES LOVES to take things out and sometimes likes to put them away. Especially from bags or clothes baskets or tubs. Favorite thing in the world to do.
- Could spend all day with a package of diaper wipes.
- Has an absolutely hysterical laugh, deep and crackly. Like James Brown. In church a man commented that was the best laugh he has heard in a long time. :)
- LOVES to dance.
Loves her teddy bear. |
All dressed up to see Santa. |
Wearing Jackson's hat. :) |
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