So I've been trying to follow this 30 days of Thanksgiving...but honestly I've found it harder to be thankful for what someone else tells me to thankful for than just being grateful for what I find appreciation for in the moment...
- Like the other day when the kids were laughing hysterically...and I just wanted to bottle it up and save it on a shelf so I can pull it out and listen on days I'm sad...
- Or the sun that is setting outside our three seasons porch, that lets light and warmth into this, our favorite room in our house...
- Or our house for that matter...the simple fact that the Lord blessed our walk this past year and landed us here. That we can live on much less and thus allow me to stay home with these kiddos...
- For my amazing clients in photography, who support my business and offer me encouragement in this new endeavor...
- For food. Monday night we had our first official meal of rice and beans (we are beginning the weekly tradition to be in solidarity with the poor) and it was tough. I didn't really look forward to that meal...and then I began to think about people who don't have the luxury of excess food...and how much access I have to expose my tastebuds to rich flavor daily..
- For my wonderful husband who forces me to slow down and just be in relationship. Who encourages me to take time...who knows how to call me out when I need it and who is such a constant in my life...
- For the friendships we have...for the people who have touched our lives, the ones that have come and gone, the ones who we've maintained...and the ones who will always remain no matter the distance...
- For my son who is learning to pray...for his innocence...and for Addie Rose's beautiful eyes...
- For a car...Seriously. I don't even realize what a privilege it is most days...totally take it for granted.
Just in time...hearing the cries of my sleepy baby. Thank you for quiet afternoons and napping children...the silence feeds the soul.
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