Nov. 4: Addie 14 months...

Here we go again...Another month gone by in this little one's life.  She's growing pretty quickly and she is growing into her own.  For awhile we thought we had this docile, completely laid back little person.  Turns out she is laid back but she can hold her own!  Lately the falling-to-the-floor and screaming tantrums have begun.  Seriously?  

This is what she has been up to lately:

  • Had a double ear infection while home on the farm.  That was a real treat.  Poor little girl was not herself.  She also came home knowing to 'milk' it and for a day or two after she was better would stand at my feet all day long and cry.  Needless to say we worked through that one.  
  • Is still pretty chill most times.  She will actually sit in your lap and lay her head back (Jackson never did this) or come to you and want to give you a little snuggle time.  It's such a treat.
  • Still has her most expressive moments when Jackson is around.  That kid can get her to laugh on cue.
  • Is saying mostly the same words but also added to that list or baby (which is her teddy bear), sometimes she says thank you, and night night.
  • Has more teeth!  That molar is still working on coming through but has another on the bottom and another on the top coming through.  
  • Tried to take her off the bottle only to discover she doesn't drink milk from a sippy so we went back to bottles at bedtime.  I'm stumped with this one...
  • Loves to read books.  Well actually loves to just turn the pages in books.  Her favorite right now is Spot.  
  • Still cannot wear boots.  This kills me!  I have about three really cute pairs of boots that she can't wear because I can't zip them up around her thigh...oh well.  Someday.  :)
  • Does not like to share things with Jackson and will let you know it.
  • Has the cutest, raspiest voice I've ever heard.  I secretly hope she likes to sing because it would sound awesome in a voice!!!
My favorite story of Addie Rose lately is when we were sitting at mom and dad's house and she was in her booster chair on the counter.  Dad was tickling her feet.  She would just sit and smile.  When he stopped, she stuck her foot out towards him for her to do it again.  Michael said, "It's like she is a queen up there, waiting for you to serve her..."  And I was reminded that her name means, "Noble."  I think there is something to say for that.  We love you Addie Rose!  Happy 14 months!
