An Update

It's so crazy how little I've blogged about our family lately!  In these past few months my computer has been such a part of work with editing that I don't have the same desire to pick it up and escape-it's less of an escape.  :)  Ahh such is life but seriously I'm so behind in updating this that has become my scrapbooking help that I need too!!

Jackson has adjusted to a new school.  After about a month of being in Davenport we happened upon a Catholic church that happens to have a preschool/school attached to it.  We loved the feel of the community and found out they had one opening in their afternoon class.  I thought that would be a sacrifice but I'm realizing that allows the opportunity for us to have our mornings, run our errands or play and then Addie usually ends up sleeping the entire time Jackson is at school.  What a blessing I would have never seen!  Jackson is transitioning well and liking it.  It's been so nice for it to be so close and for the way the schedule has worked out.  He's had one field trip to Vandeveer Park and one coming up to the Children's Museum.

Lately he's also been writing and counting A LOT.  Particularly interested in numbers and counting.  Engineer maybe?  Just a week ago he wrote his name for the first time by himself.  What an accomplishment.  Although it's not something he will just sit down on his own and do.  He's more into building things these days.  :)

We've had a trip up north with the Lesperances, a trip to the farm with the Allens, a weekend in Chicago with our friends the VanDrunens and a couple of weekends at home.  (Finally-although the travel was a ton of fun).  Jackson got to drive an escavator and bulldozer while on the farm with Dawson and he had a ton of fun exploring the woods with the Lesperances.

He played in a soccer league this year and that took a lot of encouragement from Michael.  He wasn't as into it as we thought.  He had a hard time understanding why they kept taking the ball away from him.  :)  He's been enjoying playing 'baseball' out back in the evenings with Michael much more.  They use a tennis racquet and softer ball.  He loves it!

We camped out back in the Andes tent.  Okay, Jackson and Michael actually slept outside but they made it the whole night.  This was back in September.  Jackson loved it but I think Michael is learning he needs more padding than just a blanket.  :)  We've had fires out back, we've had many bike rides, trips to the family museum and family nights.

Some cute things Jackson's been saying that I want to remember:

  • Your a bodacious babe mom.  (He had been watching Fern Gully-totally caught me off guard at first).  
  • Are you kidding?
  • When asked what he was thinking about he says, "No-anything."  You mean nothing J?  "Yeah, nothing."  :)
  • We were in Walgreens and he saw something he wanted.  He says, "Mom I'm TOTALLY (with emphasis) bigger than Addie so I can have this.
  • When he prays, he sits in silence and says, "This is a thinking prayer Mommy and Daddy."  
And Addie and Jackson together.  They have so much fun.  The same room thing is working out so well.  They both sleep through each other waking up in the night which just floors me.  Addie is beginning to hold her own and let J know when she wants something he has, usually in the form of a scream.  They were a cow and farmer for Halloween.  Jackson loved that.  Addie, however, did not appreciate when Jackson pulled her by the rope around her neck.  Lol.

All in all it's fun to see them together.  They are definitely siblings who love each other. . .They laugh together, they fight and they play well.  I'm constantly reminded what a blessing it is that they have each other.  So thankful for them both.  A little exhausted when I'm handling two of them in church (like last weekend when Michael was working).  Holy Cow was that insane...but even in those crazy moments I'm so thankful that we blessed with them.  

Loving this chair these days...

Sibling Love

Give it to me!!!


 This is Addie, holding her own...


  1. So beautiful :) Thanks for sharing, Tash! Sending lots of love from WV!


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