30 Days of Thanksgiving: Family

Well I did it last year and I thought I would do it again.  Except this time I had a little help from my friend, and new momma-btw, for what to focus on each day in being thankful for.

Today is family.  What an awesome place to start.  Really.  I mean at the core of who we are lies this incredible gift of the people who we do and don't get to choose but who really shape who we are.  Today my mother-n-law has my children...and so starts her one-day a week taking care of them.  I'm so thankful for her for doing this.  I feel like a different person.  It's incredible.  And as I raced to get things done I realized that there is no point, all of it can wait, if I can sneak in a quick lunch with my husband and actually be present to him, to show him a little love and gratitude.

Did I mention I came home from dropping the kids off this morning and he had quickly picked up the house, started laundry and DID THE DISHES ALL BEFORE he headed to work.  Really?  Help me to remember that on the days that I don't appreciate all he is and does for us.

We spent the last weekend on the farm for Carroll County Roundup which is quickly becoming a yearly tradition.  It's such a blast.  My parents took us and our friends in and fed us (maybe not the healthiest options :) ), entertained us, took us to dinner and loved on our kiddos for a weekend.  My mother endured and helped me out a TON with a very cranky Addie Rose who had a double ear infection. My sister and her husband came up, my little brother Cass surprised us and joined us for an evening.  (Missed yah Dillon) and I was just reminded again and what a blessing it is to have family in our lives.  Would we ever really understand the extension of the father's love if it wasn't for those family members that reflect that for us?

And then there are these two little creations that bring joy to my everyday.  Even in my moments of frustration I'm SO thankful for them and what they bring to my life.  Every day, some little thing they do or say, captures me...and literally can bring tears to my eyes.  I'm so thankful that I've decided to be home more and enjoy them...
