
The devotional that I sometimes read speaks as if the Lord is saying the words to you.  Today it read the following:

When a loving child is by you, is the nearness only that you may provide protection and help for that little one? 
Rather, too, that in that little child you may find joy and cheer and comfort in its simplicity, its Love, its trust. 

It's such a great reminder of what life is like these days...with the simplicity of the kids.  We have had a busy week and yet it's different somehow.  Less filled with the congestion of life and more full of the simple moments.  

This past weekend we reunited with Michael.  Seeing the look on Jackson's face when Michael walked in the door of my brother's apartment was priceless.  Hearing him yell, "Daddy" with such joy and wonder was a great moment to witness.  Then we headed off to the Shrine Bowl to watch my beast of a baby brother play in a game that his team rocked!  It was hot but definitely a good time...and fun to watch football again.

Michael decided to stay on Sunday and spend some time with us.  It was blessed.  Just to be together again as a family.  As I was sitting in church on Sunday morning with him, I felt more whole again.  I didn't even know how much of my soul was missing until he was sitting next to me.  We had a great day with him on Sunday.  He quickly headed back to reality and we stuck around here.

Monday we headed to Lake Panorama to hang out with Kenzie and meet up with Becky and Dawson.  It was so nice to just relax with the kiddos and enjoy the simple moments.  The pool, a boat ride, cooking smokes, a trip to Pump it Up, eating lunch.  It was pure simplicity and it was was a great week.

Our Little Miss Adelyn had an off week and I came to find out that she had a double ear infection.  Luckily they recover quickly and she is now getting back to herself.  I thought at first it was just the four teeth she seems to be cutting but it turns out its more than that.  Felt so bad I waited to long to take her in but so thankful for her feeling better.

Jackson went out to the farm today.  All dressed up in his work boots and his overalls.  Ready to help grandpa.  This kid would live outside if I let him.  

And we decided to cut Jackson's hair.  I've been thinking about it for awhile but I decided it was finally time.  He's got such a thick mop of hair (thanks Havercamp side) and it just seems so hot in the summer.  So we clipped it off. He's got a good buzz cut.  I think he looks more like Grandpa Dan now...but he definitely just looks like a little boy.  So grown up!  Here are some fun things he's said lately:
  • Jackson, what number is Cass?  "65 or something,"  said with a shoulder shrug.
  • Grandma was packing up the car and trying to get stuff loaded.  To which Jackson looked at her and said, "We can take my civic."  :)
  • I heard Addie crying and asked J what happened.  He said, " I thought she was a trampoline..."
  • Kenzie bought Jackson a pair of flip flops...but they had the back on them.  He put them on and said, "Mom these don't flip..."  :)
  • Upon seeing a baby picture of himself Jackson told Kenzie, "I was looking' when I was a baby..."  Yah mean good-looking?  "Yep, good looking."
