Well here we are. Our new home-Davenport. It has been so good to be here rather than some random town, to have friends we know and family nearby...that part of it has been so blessed. There is something about moving to a new place and having familiar faces around you that is so comforting. But...the last few weeks have been pretty stressful...I'd be lying if I said otherwise. Michael and I have probably not had this much tension in our relationship in a long time...but we finally had a breakthrough moment yesterday. Actually I had a breakthrough...and its as the simple discovery that being a stay at home mom is challenging. :) I think I knew that but I don't think I knew it so well until now.
See here is the deal. Before when I was working I actually had MORE time...to myself. Whether it was my drive to work, or a quick stop the grocery store before I picked up the kids after work, or my lunch break, or when I sat at my computer to check my email at work. There were many moments of solitude packed into my typical week. I also had a lot of adult interactions. A lot of them, a lot more than I'm having now. :) And I've realized how much of an extrovert I am...how much I need that.
It's a learning process right? I've had some weak moments lately, learning the ropes. This is the first time since I was 13 that I haven't worked. It's an adjustment...and then throw two kids and a move in there-it's a recipe for disaster. But after finally having some good quiet time with the Lord last night I realized these things about myself. a) This is a somewhat of a mourning process that I have to face b) I need to find networks of adults that I can connect with and c) I can manage a household and stay sane in the process. :)
And here we are. Three weeks into this transition and finally starting to get into a groove. I believe that there are fewer than five boxes left to unpack which is a monumental accomplishment. Our house now has spaces for things and places for kids to spread out...and it's child proof. (Mostly) Which means I can actually go to the bathroom throughout the day without a fear of our baby girl going down the stairs head first!
But there have been some blessed moments and realizations too. Like eating meals together. Every. Meal. And taking time to chat after the meal because I can. Or getting up in the morning and actually making breakfast instead of eating a protein bar on my way out the door. Or actually sitting on the couch with Jackson when he asks me to sit by him. Rocking Adelyn when she is upset. Going for walks around the block. Or checking out the children's museum. Connecting with family members or reading the kiddos stories and not rushing because I feel like there is a laundry list of things to get done before tomorrow. Hearing Jackson want 'mommy' at moments throughout the day or catching Addie Rose trying to say Jackson for the first time today.
Jackson concentrating! |
K-so Addie was crawling around her room and found a ping pong ball. She did this herself. I just crack up when I see this...lol. |

The water table at the children's museum. |
In our backyard. He loves this little hill. |
Spaz. |
It's these little moments that make it all worth it. There is stress and yes, at this point I'd say this job is WAY harder than my full time gig and the mom thing together...but worth it. You better believe it. Praising God today that I'm able to be home with them and thankful for a husband who is so supportive of it. |
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