
This kid has been up to this lately:

  • His preschool teacher Mrs. Lynn, shared that when it was time to go outside on Tuesday she told the kids to get on their snow pants.  She looked over to see Jackson was in his underwear!  I told her at least he had his cute ones on.  :)
  • His comment to Michael on Sunday when asked if he would clean up his toys was, "I can't dad because I'm SO busy."  Really?  Already?  :)
  • Wednesday the Human Society came to preschool.  They brought a snake and a rat-I know not so fun.  But they did a great job of teaching the kids not to be afraid.  Anyways-on Thursday Jackson proceeded to tell the whole class that when the snake and the rat get big they are going to be an 8330 John Deere tractor and a combine with a corn head and a bean head.  Ridiculous.  :)
  • He told me his first knock knock joke yesterday.  Knock knock.  Who's there.  Who?  Tractor.  Tractor who?  Tractor that is an 8330 and has a combine with a corn head and bean head and goes in the field....surprise.  
  • Driving his John Deere bike today he was going up the hill and he looks at me, stops and says, "Mom-I think we need to charge the battery."  Nope Jackson-your the battery.  :)
  • I found this old picture of Jackson.  This is from about a year ago.  First of all-he needs a haircut-but secondly I just can't believe how much he has grown up.  This kiddo just cracks me up.  For some reason this picture just makes me laugh.  
About a year ago... (CRAZY. HAIR.)
Growing up into a little man...
