Four months
It came and went...Addie turned four months OVER a week ago. Needless to say our lives have been a little crazy lately but we are still trucking on.
This littler girl is just pure joy. Even over the last couple of days she has been a little 'off'. I think it's a combination of shots, a cold and exhaustion. But in the middle of a watery eye, sore legs and a tight belly she looks up at you and just gushes in a huge smile. How can you not let all your cares sail away when you get that kind of response? It definitely puts life in perspective.
Adelyn has been growing rapidly. At her four month checkup she was 91% for weight and 33% for height, which just cracks me up and explains the numerous rolls on her little legs. :) It also explains why she can already grab at her toes (which is something she could do for hours!).
She has yet to roll over, but is close and often ends up on her side if on the floor. She is enjoying tummy time more and more and she has moved into the squealing face. Her timing for that is about 5-6:00pm at night.
She also LOVES to suck on her two fingers...always drooling and their always in her mouth. And she responds with screeches EVERY. TIME. her big brother gives her attention. It's so endearing.
She's just starting to self-soothe which is a huge transition for us. I've been counting down the six month mark where we can do the 'cry it out' method but lately we have been experimenting a little (thanks to Addie's babysitter Tracy) and it's been working. Usually it takes her about 2-3 minutes (I time it and don't let it go longer than 5) of fussing and she is asleep. I'll be so thankful when the sleep starts to be a more consistent schedule. She still is waking up in the night about 3-4 times.
Her new nicknames are tub-a-wub, chunky monkey and sumo. Luckily this won't affect her sense of self-esteem because there is nothing cuter and more lovable than a little baby with extra 'meat on her bones.' It literally just makes you want to love on her.
Happy four months to this little joy...still amazed that we have her in our lives. Michael made a comment about saying good night to our 'kids' the other stopped me in my tracks. We. have. kids. plural. Crazy!!
This littler girl is just pure joy. Even over the last couple of days she has been a little 'off'. I think it's a combination of shots, a cold and exhaustion. But in the middle of a watery eye, sore legs and a tight belly she looks up at you and just gushes in a huge smile. How can you not let all your cares sail away when you get that kind of response? It definitely puts life in perspective.
Adelyn has been growing rapidly. At her four month checkup she was 91% for weight and 33% for height, which just cracks me up and explains the numerous rolls on her little legs. :) It also explains why she can already grab at her toes (which is something she could do for hours!).
She has yet to roll over, but is close and often ends up on her side if on the floor. She is enjoying tummy time more and more and she has moved into the squealing face. Her timing for that is about 5-6:00pm at night.
She also LOVES to suck on her two fingers...always drooling and their always in her mouth. And she responds with screeches EVERY. TIME. her big brother gives her attention. It's so endearing.
She's just starting to self-soothe which is a huge transition for us. I've been counting down the six month mark where we can do the 'cry it out' method but lately we have been experimenting a little (thanks to Addie's babysitter Tracy) and it's been working. Usually it takes her about 2-3 minutes (I time it and don't let it go longer than 5) of fussing and she is asleep. I'll be so thankful when the sleep starts to be a more consistent schedule. She still is waking up in the night about 3-4 times.
Her new nicknames are tub-a-wub, chunky monkey and sumo. Luckily this won't affect her sense of self-esteem because there is nothing cuter and more lovable than a little baby with extra 'meat on her bones.' It literally just makes you want to love on her.
Happy four months to this little joy...still amazed that we have her in our lives. Michael made a comment about saying good night to our 'kids' the other stopped me in my tracks. We. have. kids. plural. Crazy!!
Trying to get those finger. |
Runny eyes and still smiling. |
Sorry for the watermark-trying to get these videos figured out!
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