40 Years
Well the day came and I went and I had the greatest of intentions to sit and blog about my husband turning 40 but time got away from me and the reality of being home along with two kids took over!
I had some great time to reflect on Michael's 40 years as I created a scrapbook for him highlighting 40 memories I had with him. It was so fun to reminisce and to know he would get to do the same. I just kept thinking about how rich our lives are, all the experiences we have had...and that is just since I've known him. He has had a pretty amazing 40 years.
A birthday is a day to celebrate someone special right? So here I am (a few days late) but celebrating my incredible husband just the same.
I had a chance (thank GOD) to go for a walk today on a near 50 degree day for almost an hour and a half...and I spent some time just reflecting on my life. I listened to the very first mix CD that my man made for me when we first met and my soul had a little respite. It was heavenly. And I couldn't help but reflect on how much better my life is because of Michael. Seriously. It's not just the last week of not having him, his time away has been pretty challenging (sick child, headaches, crazy schedule, work, and a dog who ate a can of hot chocolate mix) but it's not just his physical presence and help with the kids I miss. I just miss him. For all the reasons I fell in love with him and for all the reasons I was made to be with him.
Truth is-I'm a much better person because I am with him. Michael's ability to slow down, to turn his heart to the Lord and to have fun in life is exactly what drew me to him...and that is what makes me a better person. A part of me didn't know who I was until I met him, didn't know how I was meant to be challenged and grow. There is a lyric in a song I like that says, "I left all I knew and found the better part of me," and it so describes my life. I am SO THANKFUL for a man who pushes me yet slows me down and who drives our family spiritually. I think back upon my life and I can't imagine it lived without him, where I would have gone, who I would have become.
To the best husband, most incredible father and to my true best friend, Happy 40th...and praying that we get many many more years together.
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