
It's been a really great month but also a sort of whirlwind of a month.  Michael finally asked me this weekend why I stress myself out so much around Christmas...and I realize I just have such a desire to make things more meaningful and not just buy gifts for the sake of buying gifts...and it ends up leaving me exhausted.  But it's my own fault...I'm a procrastinator and it gets the best of me in moments like this.  :)

But many other ways this has been an incredible month.  Jackson's Godmother Sue made him this awesome Advent calendar and we collaborated on coming up with daily tasks to do.  They have included things like make hot chocolate and drive around to look at Christmas lights to eat dinner by candlelight and talk about how Jesus is the light of the world.  The whole project has really helped me to focus more on the waiting and preparation of Christmas.  Talking to Jackson about the Christmas story and trying to balance that out with the idea of Santa has been a challenging and a grace all in one.  It's so wonderful to be starting family traditions and seeing our family really become a more established through this season.

We've had some great activities as of late...the Young Life Christmas party, cookie decorating, the Allen Christmas, seeing Santa Claus, buying a toy for a child that Jackson picked out (a combine of course), a Titus Christmas dinner and the St. James Christmas party.  Through it all I feel like we have really had A LOT of FAMILY time...and isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

The kids are so much fun.  I swear Addie gets more and more fun everyday-then again don't all kiddos?  She is so so so happy.  Did I stress the so?  Seriously.  She just lights up when you look at her...she is totally content in her bumbo or bouncy chair as long as you are nearby and she can watch the action.  She is a social kid in that capacity.  She is grabbing at things a TON and she is just starting to drool a bit which makes me wonder about the onset of teeth.  At night she usually goes to sleep about 7:30 pm and gets up through the night twice but then wakes up about 7:00am for the day.  I can handle that!

My transition back to work has been a good one.  Michael has been so great about being with the kids and in doing so I've seen him become more and more enamored with Adelyn.   It's been a blessing to know he is comfortable watching them to have a little 'freedom' for myself.  Going to work definitely helps me to feel a little more sane...did I mention I love me job? :)

A few updates on the J-man:
  • Jackson has started reading a lot...and Michael and him read The Very Hungry Caterpillar before bed at night.  When they were reading  a couple of nights ago and got to the part where the caterpillar became a butterfly, Jackson says, "The butterfly is sad, we need to pray for him."  So. adorable.
  • Jackson has this habit of clicking his tongue.  He does it all day long, but mostly when he is happy.  His teacher Ms. Cory says, "We are gonna send Jackson with the aborigines so he can click away."  :)
  • We were at mass at Edgewood two weeks ago and Jackson saw Fr. Ken in the entryway.  He yelled from his pew... "Jesus, Jesus".  I said, "No that's Fr. Ken."  Then he yelled for Fr. Ken.  Either way it was super cute!
  • I made Jackson a mixed Cd and he has been listening to it a lot.  One of the songs on it is a song my dad used to like to listen to...Well we were on a different song when Jackson said, "What song is this?"  We responded that it's the cowboy song.  To which he said, "I don't like the cowboy song.  I want Grandpa's song...smoke a little smoke."  Alright kid-at least you know what you want!
  • When we were out looking for lights Michael to do a three point turn to get back to a house with a lot of lights...and Jackson says, "Are we lost dad?"  :)  It was also Jackson's first experience of hot chocolate...I think it's safe to say he liked it very much!
There have been so many moments this week when I have had to choke back tears and my life.  I just don't even believe it sometimes. One time I was rocking Addie to sleep, listening to Michael in the next room putting Jackson down.  I thought to myself, when I was in college I looked ahead to this part of my life and thought what a drag it would be in comparison to where I was.  Truth be told, the past was so nothing in comparison to what I experience now.  Each day I get to know the love of a supportive husband and to experience life in the eyes of children.  You don't get much more blessed than that...just wanted to make sure to remind myself not to take it for granted.  :)

We looked all over to find a place to visit Santa that would work with our schedule...we managed to make Jolly Jump and it was actually better because we didn't have to wait in line-I don't think Jackson would have liked that!

Santa's comment, "He's not very bashful is he?"  Nailed it.  :)

J got a hold of my ugly sweater from the YL Christmas Party...

And he had to tell dad about it...

This is what happens when little girls leave their tutu's at our house...thanks Celia and/or Raelynn

Jackson's Advent Barn

What Buddy our Elf was up to one night.  :)

Jackson couldn't stop giggling.  :)
