Well hard to believe it but my little sweet pea is 3 months old today (she's actually three months today-on the FOURTH). So technically its a 'golden' birthday-nope, not her golden birthday til next month...I'm keeping this in here to show her how crazy my mind was these first months...lol. I can't believe it! It's definitely time to give a little update on her.
I started back to work this week and I had NO IDEA how hard it would be. The drive in on that first day was extremely tough and the first five minutes I thought I was going to lose it! But I had a lot of support and within an hour or two I was reminded why I work in the first place. And then I continued to meet with students and it was totally affirming for me that I'm doing the right thing and that this is where I'm called right now.
But it is still hard to be away from this little bundle. She is just pure joy to me. Tonight she sat in her seat, staring up at me for about twenty minutes, and just smiling. There are moments when she just radiates joy. It is so much fun. She is also a snuggled and becomes more and more that everyday. Last night Jackson and I popped popcorn and had a picnic in the living room on a blanket on the floor. Adelyn laid her head on my shoulders and just 'snuggled' for about twenty minutes. Here are some other things to know about Addie these days:
- Her eyes continue to get more and more blue and it seems her hair is staying dark. Although it's thinned out a little bit I think it's gonna be curly-when it is wet it curls up. Someone in the post office commented on her blue eyes this week. I didn't think they were that noticeable until she said it.
- She loves to suck on her fingers.
- She loves music and being sung to.
- She is grabbing at toys a lot now. If you lay her on the floor under her play mat she will have a hold of the things that dangle.
- She loves to see people. If she is just laying on the floor in the living room and I'm working the kitchen she will be fussy, but the minute I put her in her bouncy table on the counter she just calms and watches intently what is going on around her-no more tears.
- She likes to be held sitting on your lap looking outward-always in tune to whats going on.
- She loves mirrors. Anytime she looks in a mirror she smiles at herself. It's pretty cute.
- Has this really cute habit of rubbing her feet together when she is just chillin'-her daddy has the same habit.
- Sleep patterns: (typically-although nothing is consistent at this stage). Wakes up in the a.m. around 7:00am. Up for an hour or two and then has to sleep or gets really cranky. Usually take an afternoon nap and then goes down for the night around 7-8:00pm. She still sleeps in her car seat and she still gets up about every two or three hours through the night. I'll be ready for a full nights sleep soon!
I think she has gained about three pounds this month! |
Sibling love. |
This subtle smile is so typical of Adelyn. |

Poor child... :)
Today we got our Christmas tree...it was an icky day outside so we decided to just go to a lot. I was sad to miss the tradition of chopping our own down but it was just too bad outside and today was about the only day we had to get it up and decorated. So we had a good family day-heading to Jordan's Pub downtown for lunch and then went to get our tree. Jackson was a little impatient until it was time to hang the ornaments. His favorite ornament by far was the John Deere one and he struggled to understand why he couldn't drive it. :)
He has been a joy lately too. He keeps us going though. Someone suggested a book called, "Raising a Spirited Kid". I plan to purchase it tonight. I think it best describes him and hopefully will give us some good tactics on his style. Here are some things he has been up to lately:
- He is starting to 'read'. He likes to look at the books we read most often and pretend to read the story to us. My favorite Jackson story lately, which I've shared a lot, is that we were in church two weeks ago and he grabbed a music book. He was off in the corner 'reading' it and he says, "Jesus died...and he had a stomachache." He is definitely getting the Jesus story confused with "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". But it was endearing.
- He is a TOTAL NEGOTIATOR. I don't know if this is just an age thing...but you tell him to do anything and he will respond with how he thinks it should be done. Jackson-it's time to go to bed. "But it's not time to go to bed, it's time to play." Michael went into his room tonight to tell him he couldn't have any more milk or he might wet the bed to which Jackson responded. "I can drink milk, I can drink water, and I can drink juice...and I won't pee."
- He loves on his sister. If he is in his room and he hears Addie cry, he yells, "It's okay Addie". I hear those words out of his mouth many times in a day.

This Advent/Christmas is really fun with Jackson. His Godmother Sue made him an awesome gift, a barn with the countdown. Each day we open up a 'task' that we get to do together as a family. Some of them are more meaningful or reflective, some just fun. Today's task was to get our tree and put it up! Success! We also have Buddy the Elf (aka elf on the shelf) visiting our house. Jackson looks at him often and giggles. It's so cute. I'm beginning to appreciate and understand Christmas through the eyes of a child...it changes everything. And it definitely makes it more fun for us.
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