30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 25

I'm thankful for service workers today.  I used to be a waitress, an ice cream shoppe attendant, a customer service rep, a bartender...you name it I pretty much had every job in the service industry.

Today I stood in line at Whitey's ice cream for a simple dish of the best ice cream in the world in the new flavor of peppermint oreo.  It was a twenty five minute wait.  I watched as these three girls worked like busy bees, not speaking, just moving along quickly.  And I remember what it was like to work in an ice cream shoppe.  How much effort it was to scoop orders, how much you dreaded getting a shake or a blizzard because it meant using that stupid mixing machine and making a mess...I remember being on my feet for eight + hours and coming home covered in a sticky mess, completely exhausted...and then I remembered customers.  I thought about the ones who were appreciative contrasted with the ones who were impatient.  So as I stood in line I tried to let go of my impatience and appreciate the ice cream that would soon come, but more importantly the people who were serving me there.  
