30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 17
Today we had Jackson's Thanksgiving Festival at preschool. In some ways I can't believe he is old enough for that but in made me realize what I'm thankful for: teachers.
Our son was the child that when all the other kids were lined up in the front of the room getting ready to sing their turkey song, Jackson was nowhere to be found. The teachers were busy getting the kids ready so didn't notice but as I went to snap the photo I realized he was missing. Michael and I both started searching...for about two minutes we couldn't find him...and when we realized it he was back in a corner writing on a wipe board. When we went to get him he barely budged...Miss Cory noticed and came and got him and held him in her lap while he finished.
Michael whispered to me, "Our kid is that kid in the classroom." :)
And both Miss Cory and Miss Lynn speak his praises. Yes they communicate to us his challenges, but they work with him, they correct him, they love on him and reaps the rewards.
Tonight for the first time ever he read to me. Now of course he didn't actually read but he recited what he thought each word would say. His desire to read has increased so much in the past month.
Two nights ago he was laying on the floor and busted out his "turkey" song...
And he is getting structure in ways he never has before. All because of a blessed preschool experience and two teachers who have the patience of Job-recognizing that he is just a little boy that has a lot of energy and if properly directed can be really fun.
Who is your 'teacher' that stands out? I have a few...and I know that I'm forever changed because of their dedication in my life at a time when I really needed it. It's amazing what having someone who believes in you, beyond your parent's, can do for you.
So to all teachers out there, who can go under appreciated and under payed...know that I'm thankful for all you do.
Our son was the child that when all the other kids were lined up in the front of the room getting ready to sing their turkey song, Jackson was nowhere to be found. The teachers were busy getting the kids ready so didn't notice but as I went to snap the photo I realized he was missing. Michael and I both started searching...for about two minutes we couldn't find him...and when we realized it he was back in a corner writing on a wipe board. When we went to get him he barely budged...Miss Cory noticed and came and got him and held him in her lap while he finished.
Michael whispered to me, "Our kid is that kid in the classroom." :)
And both Miss Cory and Miss Lynn speak his praises. Yes they communicate to us his challenges, but they work with him, they correct him, they love on him and reaps the rewards.
Tonight for the first time ever he read to me. Now of course he didn't actually read but he recited what he thought each word would say. His desire to read has increased so much in the past month.
Two nights ago he was laying on the floor and busted out his "turkey" song...
And he is getting structure in ways he never has before. All because of a blessed preschool experience and two teachers who have the patience of Job-recognizing that he is just a little boy that has a lot of energy and if properly directed can be really fun.
Who is your 'teacher' that stands out? I have a few...and I know that I'm forever changed because of their dedication in my life at a time when I really needed it. It's amazing what having someone who believes in you, beyond your parent's, can do for you.
So to all teachers out there, who can go under appreciated and under payed...know that I'm thankful for all you do.
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