30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 12

Today I was so thankful for my siblings.  My family made the trip up for Adelyn's baptism.  My two little (not so little) brothers and my little sis-along with her willing and agreeable husband.  I grew up seven to thirteen years apart from these guys and sometimes that was hard.  It definitely felt like two families.  I even laughed and called Kenzie out today when she made a comment about 'the kids' and was referring to her, Dillon and Cass.  Truth be told a lot of times I felt like an only child and a second parent to them growing up... babysitting them at various times, disciplining them when they were acting up and swelling with pride when they would accomplish something they set out to.  But now the years are starting to fade away...and I reap the benefits of those years in watching them interact with and love on my kiddos.

It seriously is amazing...to have people who instantly love your children just because they are yours and connected to them.

Tizzie (a.k.a. Kenzie because Dillon couldn't say Kenzie when he was little) and I are seven years apart and when we were younger that was a little tough...but now those years have faded away and she is just one of my best friends.  She just gets. me.  We don't have to explain who we are to each, she understands.  She knows the good and the bad.  She loves on my kids, really really loves on them. Today we ran to Target together.  It was a twenty minute errand but it just made my heart smile because it was so easy to just be myself with her.  I can call her to share a new country song she needs to listen to.  Or I can call her to vent...whatever it is-she is there and she understands.

Dweeb (a.k.a. Dillon, affectionately called Dweeb because of the combination of Dillon and Wilbur-which his babysitter called him) is just such a driven young man.  It makes me so proud to see him doing so well.  He has been a guy who has just always known what he wanted and went after it.  And he comes here and is so willing to help out.  I can ask him to do anything and he will do it.  Not to mention the fact that he is mister fix it-a nice person to have in the family.  When he was little he was my 'bestest buddy' and I still just have that same fondness for him.  I introduced him to the Packers...and he is more of a fan then I will ever be-not to mention he passed it on to the rest of the kiddos.   It's been so fun to see him enjoying what he is doing and it will be so cool to see where God takes him with his talents.

And then there is O.D. (Cass-o-dy).  Ahh little man-who is the biggest of us all.  You were my shining star when you were a baby...I was so proud to have such a cute and sweet little brother.  I definitely showcased him to people.  He has been so successful this year in football and it's fun to think about his wrestling season ahead.  But it's more his quiet, humble and sweet spirit that is so endearing.  He really is most like my pops.  He just has the kind of peaceful spirit that is draws you in and it's has been so. fun. for me to watch him dream and talk about his future in college.  

And the best part now of this age gap is that I have siblings who don't have kids yet.  I can't wait for the day they do...but in the meantime my kids get them all to themselves and boy does it show.  Ask Jackson about any of them and he gets excited.  It's because he senses the love they give them...and what a blessing that is.  They all gave up a weekend where they could have been doing many other things to come up here.  A month ago Kenzie and Dillon came up for a short weekend to help take care of the kids.  And Cass and Kenz made the trip the day Addie was born, a 24 hour trip to meet her in the hospital.  Thank you God-for gracing my parents with more children...I'm forever changed, challenged ;) and blessed by them.

