Freezing Time

There are so many moments right now that I just wish I could forever freeze in
  • tonight when I was putting Jackson to bed...and smothering him with kisses and he was laughing hysterically,  saying Mommy only one more but really wanting me not to stop...when I'd pull back and just look into his smile.
  • or this afternoon when I just lay on the bed with Adelyn for almost an hour-mesmerized at the beauty of her little fingers...thinking about what a blessing she is.
  • or looking up at my husband when he is announcing at YL Camp and just swelling with pride at how amazing he is.  
I know for certain there will come a day when I will ache for these moments...I seriously wish I could just take a picture that would capture the raw emotion I feel in these tender times but alas I'll do my best to appreciate them as they come for I know that they are way more real lived in the moment.  :)
