It's hard to believe that our little sweet pea was born a week ago! Seems like so much has happened in this week. All in all we are transitioning really well and the greatest contribution to that is a daughter who is incredibly well natured. As Michael said-we will probably pay for it sometime, in her teen years or in her toddler years, but for right now we are totally enjoying a baby who is so peaceful and content 99% of the time.
Her brother, on the other hand, keeps us going! He has done so well with Addie. Moments of sweetness are when he walks over to her swing and just talks to her. Or when he takes all his little tractors and stacks them around her (good sharing). Whenever Addie cries, no matter where he is in the house, he says, "Mom, baby sister's crying, should I kiss her?" Sweetest thing ever.
Jackson started school this week and it has been wonderful so far. He is learning the structure and although it was a little tough for him at first to learn that there are certain time periods for certain toys the teachers say he has made incredible progress in a week's time. The first day he had to be held in a teacher's lap when it was story time, by the second day he was sitting on his on little rock and by that night he was wanting to sit on the floor in his room (instead of his bed) to listen to his bedtime story in the same way he does at school!
When Michael arrived to pick up Jackson on Thursday we heard a little story. J arrived at preschool with a sweatshirt on and he wasn't wearing it. Ms. Lynn pointed that out to Michael and said it was because he had an 'experience' in the bathroom. They sent him in to wash his hands and he ended up cupping the water with his hands, soaking himself, the wall, the floor, etc. Ahh Jackson-I think we will have many more stories like this. While Jackson may be having a little difficulty with transition at home (we are really working on listening) it seems he is doing really, really well with school. We are so thankful for the time he has there and we know it will be a blessed year for him.
We've had many visitors, in and out of the hospital. It's been fun to share little Addie with others-and to enjoy her beautiful presence. Grandma Joan stayed with us for a night when we arrived home and Grandma Peg came up today. We managed to go to the zoo as a family before her arrival and canned about 45 jars of salsa tonight! I can't believe how much quicker my body recovered after baby #2.
Then on Sunday we went to church at Edgewood and then headed to Little Amerikka with Jackson, Grandma Peg, and Addie. I can't believe what a beautiful day it was and how much fun that place is for a three year old. Addie also totally cooperated and slept the entire time we were there. Jackson rode his first real roller coaster among many other rides. It was such a great way to spend a Sunday. When we arrived home we had about ten little kids and three babysitters at our house for a Verona Committee meeting. It was total activity but also really great!
This week Mom and I have been busy running errands, shopping, spending time holding Addie, getting our house in order, cooking, etc. We even took in a movie-Adelyn got to go to the theatre for the first time! Mom and I saw "The Help" which I highly recommend if you haven't seen it. We went to the 9:30pm showing, brought the little sweet pea along and she was amazing. We also had the theatre to ourself so that helped. :) Jackson had his second week at preschool and did pretty well. Having Mom here was such a blessing as Michael's work has kicked into high gear. It was definitely hard to say goodbye to her today.
We are starting to figure Addie out more and more each day. She is just getting onto her pacifier which helps a lot because she is definitely one little girl who only gets upset when she needs food, so having something to hold her off for a little bit if need be is wonderful.
With Mom here we also got a little bit of time to ourselves. On Tuesday we hit the driving range for a short time. The weather was beautiful and Michael and I totally enjoyed what felt like a little bit of normal. Then last night him and I went out to celebrate our five year wedding anniversary which is tomorrow. It's a little hard to believe that we are at that point, in some ways its flown by but in other ways it feels like so much longer. So many great things and blessings have happened in that time, its kinda hard to believe we've only been together for five years. I couldn't have predicted what five years would bring but I sure am grateful for all that it has. We are in such a great place and as I currently have both children down for naps I walked to them both to 'tuck them in' and am simply amazed at what God has given us in our union together. Thanks to all for your support and prayers through the arrival of Addie. We are so grateful!
At preschool... |
Riding the boat at Little Amerika-total stud. |
Silly with Grandma Peg. |
Love. |
Sweetness-hat made by Jodie Mae. :) |
This is what happens when we leave Jackson with Addie-at least he is sharing his toys! |
Our little girl. :) |
Chunky cheeks. |
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