it ever?! I hit my 30 week mark this week on Tuesday with this little girl...hard to believe that in 10 weeks she will be here. That being said we are keeping busy getting this house in order for her arrival and it's been great to feel like we are getting some things accomplished and have the time to do so!
We've also managed to squeeze in some time family time too. From trips to Lake Wingra to take out a boat, to trips to the dog park, parades, walks, playdates, etc Jackson is soaking up the summer and we are trying to do so along with him. It has been such a blessing to have this time at home and not have an assignment. While we LOVE being on month long assignment's we really needed this summer to just get things ready for our new arrival and to just be a family.
The one blessing we have uncovered in all the fact that this little precious gift growing inside me didn't come until after a year of trying is by far the blessing of having this extra year with Jackson. We are seeing so much growth in him and we have had so many uninterrupted moments with him-I know some of that would have gotten lost with another child sooner and he definitely has needed it. It's been so good to help steer him through this last year of life to really focus in on him. He has such an energetic personality and sometimes needs clear and concrete direction...needless to say-we feel really blessed to have had so much time with just him. God does know what He's doing-that's for sure.
So here are a few things he's been up to lately:
- He's weighing in at 37 lbs and 39 inches tall.
- Has been picking up things on his own, without our promting. He puts his shoes away in their spot. Tonight as we were playing on the floor he even got up and put Michael's shoes away on the mat. (This is DEFINITELY an indication of his relation to his father who has a place for everything ;) )
- He is even more finicky of an eater and mealtimes are a little challenging...but he loves sweet corn (thus is relation to me :)) He finishes one ear and asks for another!
- Is still tractor OBSESSED. Tells every person he meets, or talks to on the phone, "I got a John Deere tractor and it goes in the field and plants corn." We were at Hobby Lobby this weekend-he told it to four random people.
- Driving down the road will say, "There's a field!" in complete excitement.
- Loves "helping" dad mow the lawn. Follows him back and forth for the entire time he does it.
- His favorite tractor is a Johnny Popper (which is an old fashioned tractor). He will tell you that it has a two stroke engine and goes pop, pop, pop.
- Loves sand and will find it anywhere. Will plop down in it no matter what we are doing.
Jackson lost his balloon at the Farmers Market. This is pure devastation. |
After the Farmer's Market he managed to find the one spot of sand in downtown Madison. |
In his own little heaven. |
Summer baby! |
And sweet corn. Definitely has some of the farm in him. |
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