The Farm
So while I was in New York Jackson got to spend a week on the farm with my parents. It was quite a week of experiences for him. He rode the four wheeler every day (Grandpa even taught him how to drive it!). He got to ride in the 'tractor' and bring 'hay' to the 'cows.' (He still talks about this one). He jumped on the trampoline, watered the garden every day, rode in the semi and went swimming at the Quandt house with his cousin Grace. He played with my moms new puppy Schmitzy and requested to go outside everyday. I think they wore him out because on day three or four he walked into the bedroom, picked up his blanket and said Night Night grandma? Ha! Can't remember him ever doing that. Needless to say we are SO thankful for this experience and hope that every year he can spend a good long week on the farm. I think he is the only 21 month old that I know personally who can distinguish a back hoe, skid loader, combine and four wheeler. :) Grandpa would be so proud!
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